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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Life as I know it

It’s time I start keeping up with this blog again. Since I’ve been gone… I can breathe for the first time.
But really, my life is a 180 from this time last year. I’ve blogged a few times during but nothing of real substance. It's time for an update of the big life changes that have happened during that time.

1. I have a new job with a company that I'm crazy about. My previous company gave me the first "real job" experience I could have ever asked for, but I got an offer I couldn't refuse and it was time for me to move on. My heart is still sad that I didn't get to bring all my favorite co-workers with me but at lest I still get to see them quite often. You're not getting rid of me that easily ;)
2. I moved... twice, actually. After jumping at the very first spot I saw in the perfect location, my landlord allowed me to switch places to one of his larger places a few streets over! I'm now living in an adorable neighborhood in Downtown Orlando called Thornton Park. And to celebrate, I got a cute new bike to ride around on gorgeous fall days!
3. I have a new boyfriend. I feel old using the term boyfriend, but I'm not jumping on the manfriend wagon so boyfriend he shall be. 
4. I have been traveling... a lot & loving every minute of it! The new boyfriend makes me face my fear of planes and has me experiencing a ton of new things. As much as I hate planes, I'm always excited for the new adventure the second those wheels hit the ground! Posts on the different destinations I've visited coming soon!
New home, new job and new guy? I'm not sure much else could change in a years time.


  1. So glad you're posting again!

    1. I made Katie a promise that I would when I left. Let's hope she doesn't realize it's been over two months! Now I'm a functioning member of the tribe! ;)

  2. YAY!! you're blogging!!! and so happy to have you as a neighbor ;)

    1. Now that the weather is getting better, let's do bike rides! But for real though and not just say we will. Ryan and I are obsessed with Maxine's and have enjoyed biking there for a snack. Let's do that too :)

  3. Please keep this up to date! I miss your face. Also, your life as your know it sounds like you are living the dream :)

    1. I'm going to do my best! I need to go check out your blog and see how your move has been! I expect to see a "He Asked and I Said Yes!" post from you before Christmas! ;)

  4. Yay! I have missed you! A lot has changed in your life!

  5. Ahh!! you blogged, you blogged! :) Even though I already knew all of this, It's so good to see documented. I love all your "newness", well some of with me again!

    You should definitely blog about your travels!

  6. You're on a roll girlfriend!

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