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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving Staycation

It's been one week since Thanksgiving has past. 
I think that's the proper time to update you on what I was up to during the break.

You see, my office was closed Wed-Fri, plus the usual Sat & Sun.
Needless to say, Monday was shell shock for me.
Boy was it a nice break, though.

On Tuesday, we had a breakfast potluck. 
The pictures don't do it justice, but the food was INCREDIBLE.
There clearly are some hidden chefs roaming around the office.
On Wednesday, I was able to finish all of my errands & housework during the day,
which left the night wide open.
Bonus points for me!

My Sister and I took the munchkin to the fair.
He was only tall enough for 3 rides, but he still loved it.
We also played the ball game and won 5 fish!
One died the day we put it in the tank. RIP Goldie.

After the fair, I met up with Kate and her hubby for some Chilis 2-4-1.
You just can't go wrong with that special AND chips & salsa.
I could go for some of that right about now.
 Thursday was, of course, Thanksgiving. 
Holidays are always a bit hectic in my family.
Mainly because we split the time between both sides of the family and my Mema lives 2 hours away. 
We did the usual lunch with my Dad's side of the family.
But this year opted for Cracker Barrel with my Mema. 
It's half way for the both of us and Mema doesn't have to cook & clean. 
After everything she has been going through, it was a Win/Win.

Little did I know, Cracker Barrel didn't take reservations and it was a 2-hour wait.
We ended up across the street at a Perkins for Thanksgiving, hah.

My expectations were less than high since I had never been there before.
Scratch that, I was grossed out.
I ordered Chicken Fingers, fries and mashed potatoes.
Not our typical Thanksgiving meal, but my idea of perfection.
Much to my surprise, it was delicious!

Once we got home, Justin and I headed to a local bar for some cocktails. 
Kate & my old friend, Jon joined us and a fierce game of Drink While You Think ensued.
also known as Celebrity Name Game, or my obsession.
Oh, Saturday.
Then we get to you.

Down here in the sunshine state, there is no bigger rival than FSU vs UF.
To me, it's bigger than any game, including the Superbowl.
I had a blast watching the game with great friends, but the Noles were less than thrilling.
The Noles still, and always will, have my heart <3
They needed a break... we'll scalp em next year ;)
 Sunday was just what I needed, babysitting my Nephew and catching up on my shows.
Besides a quick grocery shopping trip, I didn't leave the house.

There is my Thanksgiving Staycation in a nutshell.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

5-year plan

Remember me?
I know, it's been awhile.
I haven't really been in the blogging mood as of late. 
Surely that happens to other bloggers from time-to-time, at least I hope I'm not alone. 

My Thanksgiving break update will be coming soon, but I've been thinking a lot about my goals over the past few days. 
I figured why not write them down so I would be accountable to someone, if only myself.
I've always believed having a goal is important. Writing it down helps keep you motivated.

"Goals are dreams with deadlines"

Become a homeowner  
People think I'm picky. To be fair, I am. 
But I don't need a mansion or 5 car garage to make me happy.  
However, I would like a newer home with 3-4 bedrooms & a large closet.
Ideally, I'd like a 5th bedroom to turn into a closet but beggars can't be choosers.
or so I've heard... ;)

Buy a new car
A Lexus IS 250 has been my dream car for as long as I can remember, 
other than that silver eclipse with a teal under light that I swore I would have one day.
Sure, a Lexus is pricey but I feel like it would be the type of car that you wouldn't need to trade in every few years. 
Simply put, it's worth the money!
I won't be absolutely heartbroken if this car doesn't make it into my 5 year plan, but this has always been on my dream list. 
The new Hyundai Sonata or Mazda CX-7 would easily put a smile on my face :)

Marriage & a baby carriage
During this time, I hope to have an amazing wedding, but more importantly, an incredible marriage. 
I'd also like to become a first time mommy shortly after that.

Pay off my student loan
I still have 9 years to go, but with the help of borrowing from my Mom's 401k in 1 1/2, 
I'll be able to pay it off interest free - which reduces the entire loan by 40%.
I know, interest is the root of all evil in my life.

& to fund it all..

I love my job, really I do. I love the company, the culture and everyone I work with.
Only downfall is that I struggle with money constantly. 
My hope is that I'll have the ability to transfer departments to something that helps me grow and allows me to learn. 
I've only been at my job for year and a half, but I'm definitely ready for more of a challenge.

My dream has and probably always will be to work at a non-profit for childhood cancer or missing children.
It's my passion and if I was ever given the opportunity to do either, I'd jump at the chance.

There you have it - the goals I want to accomplish in the next 5 years?
Do you have any tips for staying motivated in reaching your goals?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Glam Bag

1. Nailtini Lacquer - Millionaire ($13)
My first thought was come on people I left my glitter nail polish back in '98 with my Bon Bons.
Since my nails were bare, I quickly painted them without using a base or top coat (GASP!). Without waiting for them to dry in between, I painted two coats & the result can be seen in the above photo. If I decided to use it again, I'd probably add a colored polish as a base to see if that doesn't spruce it up a bit. I love that it dried quickly 

2. The Balm Meet Matte Eyeshadow Palette - Matt Batali ($4)
I haven't used this just yet but the color is beautiful and can easily be transitioned from an office to nighttime look. Anything that's in a small package and can be more than one look is a go in my book. 

3. Chella Defining Eyebrow Gel ($18)
Again, another product I haven't tried out just yet. Just recently I started getting into grooming my eyebrows daily. I usually just got them waxed and let them be. I never realized how your eye look can change dramatically with proper eyebrow grooming.
I have a feeling I'm going to fall in love with this one. Stay tuned.

4. Starlet Cosmetics Intense Liner - Chocolate ($11)
I don't generally use brown eyeliner but this particular one goes on incredibly smooth.
I just may add it to my makeup regiment before a night out. I'm sure I can find a few Pinterest eye looks that incorporate brown liner.

5. Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss - Daredevil ($14)
I'm IN LOVE with this gloss. It's a beautiful gloss once it's on and doesn't have that dark look that you would expect - only a light glisten of color. 
It's not sticky but gives a gorgeous gloss over your lips. You also won't have to reapply in 5 minutes. Another perk, it's all natural :) I'll definitely be purchasing this once I run out.

If you lost count, that's a total of $60 worth of products all for $10. Plus you get a cute  bag to carry all your new products in. 

I'm only on month 2 of ipsy's Glam Bag and I'm one happy customer!
You can be happy to too by joining to get your Glam Bag here :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend Update

This morning I woke up by a call from my Sister at 7:15. I typically leave my house right then so to say I'm not very put together today is an understatement.

I guess I fell asleep last night sometime during the AMA's.
I was exhausted.

My weekend started off like every weekend. I picked up my best friend in the form of a 2 1/2 year old, Landyn. With the exception of a quick trip to the store to buy presents for the following day, we stayed in Friday night, had my Mom & Landyn over for dinner and I was asleep by 11. Now if only I could do that every Friday!

Saturday we went to the Marriott World Centers for the Margarita Ball.
It's a charity event that is hosted every year. You must bring your invite and a present for a child in order to join in on the fun.
We always get hotel rooms to avoid drinking and driving.
We got there around 11 and went to the pool for a nice view, drinking and yummy food.
Then we cleaned up and headed to the ball. This was the only photo I had on my phone so that's all I can share now. 
Sunday, I spent the day with my Nephew, Sister & Mom watching my Sister unpack her new apartment one building over from me (That means I'll be 3 miles closer to Landyn - SCORE!), we ate Chipotle and watched "He's just not that into you." Lazy day.

Today, I'm exhausted and ready for a nap.
So happy that our office is closed Wed-Fri. This week will be a short 2-day work week
& it's much needed.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Clarisonic.. Worth it?

Since it's almost that time of year, I decided to thinking about things 
that I may want Santa Justin to get me for Christmas. 

I've talked before about how I rarely wash my face and then complain later that I hate my skin. 
About two months ago I finally bought face wash and I've used it about 7 times since. When I washed my face regularly a few years back and didn't see results, I felt like I was fighting a losing battle. So, I quit. Doesn't seem logical, I know. 

I've heard nothing but good things about the Clarisonic in blog land. 
Question is, do you think it's worth the hefty $200 price tag that comes along with it? 
I've heard of many other imitations, including the Olay ProX for only $30. 
It looks relatively the same, but I *think* this one requires you to do it all  by hand. 
I mean, if I'm paying $170 less to see the same results & all your 
asking me to do is a little work, I might be inclined to take you up on that offer.
Any cheap alternatives to getting healthy glowing skin, please send them my way. 
I need all the help I can get!

Friday Letters

It's time for Friday Letters with Ashley :)

Dear People Magazine, Congratulations for finally getting your act together and giving the Sexiest Man Alive title to its rightful owner. Only took you 7 years to get up to speed with me :)
Dear Twilight, When I heard about the twist at the end of the movie, I was skeptical but as sad as it was, I'm glad they switched it up. Happy that they did such an incredible job on the movie, sad that it's the end of an era. I'll miss you forever, Edward. Bella, not so much. 
Dear Friday, I love you but wish you came 3 hours later today. Mama needed to get catch more zZZ's before waking up. I was still dreaming of Edward.

Dear Alcohol, I'm looking forward to going to the Margarita Ball tomorrow, however, please be easy on me. I don't want to spend my Sunday passed out all day. Actually, now that I think about it, that sounds quite nice. 

Dear Blog, Sorry I've been neglecting you lately. I've just been in a funk. I just simply haven't been in the mood. Does this happen to anyone else?

Dear Bank Account, I'm getting pretty tired of sending you letters. Why can't you just listen to me once and skyrocket. I'm getting sick of stressing about money every single day of my life. Quite frankly, it gets old.

Dear Mema, I'm glad that you made it through another surgery like a champ. You're the strongest woman I know and I'm so glad we get more unexpected time with you.
{Wednesday night before surgery}

Dear Boyfriend, Thank you for being so amazing lately. You light up my life.. when you're not pissing me off ;)

Dear Hair, GROW! Seriously how many more times do I have to beg this of you. I've been taking Biotin, not regularly, but I haven't cut you in over a year.  You'd think I'd at least have long broken hair. Having to use extensions so often gets rather annoying.

Dear Life, I truly do love you, even though I complain about bills, family issues, my hair not growing and a million other things daily. 

Just gotta remember this quote I shared on my Facebook a few days ago:
What we take for granted someone else is praying for. 
Oh, how true it is. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wedding Weekend

I hope you enjoyed my guest post yesterday. 
If you haven't already, check it out over on Kristen's blog

I know I'm way late on a weekend update, but I've been a busy gal over the past week.

For the sake of time, here is a quick update on what I've been up to. 

Let's start with my Sister's birthday on Thursday night. We went to Kobe Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. For those of you who haven't been blessed with a Kobe near you, it's hibachi style and is probably the best food this side of the Mississippi ;)
Over the weekend we went to Vero Beach for a wedding. We got a suite at the hotel where the wedding was held and it was beyond gorgeous. The pool (and pool bar) were directly outside of our door. None of us wanted to leave the next day. 
When we woke up, we went to get some food & mimosas. 
We proceeded to have a conversation of the correct saying of the hair of the dog. 
Is it:
Bite the the dog that bit you.
Bite the hair of the dog that bit you.
Hair of the dog that bit you.
or just plain hair of the dog. 

After our delicious breakfast and always entertaining breakfast convo, we took a walk on the beach before packing up to head home. 
I love weekends. I love weddings. I love food. I love friends.

All in all, I loved this weekend :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Come Find Me!

Today I'm blogging over on Kristen's blog while she is celebrating her Sister's wedding in the keys.

Come on over and see what I'll be bringing in my carry on bag on my upcoming trip to Dallas! 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Funnies

Just some things that made me laugh today :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Don't forget to vote!

Today I left my house early & started patiently waiting with over 75 other people at the polls at 6:45 a.m.
All for one common goal, to exercise my right to vote. 

Sure we may not all have been voting the same.
But we were there to vote for what we believe. 

This year the race is projected to be very close. 
Remember, if you don't vote, you're practically giving a vote to the opposing party. 

Back in 2000, the President was elected by 537 votes.
Yes you read that right, 537
I bet there were at least 537 people who stayed home thinking that their vote wasn't going to make that big of a difference. 

Every vote does count. 

We are Americans who have our own voice, opinion and right to vote. 
Don't take that for granted.

Tonight I'll be in front of the television watching how the votes fall. 
Vino in hand.
On the plus side, ALL Facebook/Twitter political posts will end by tomorrow.
At least that's what I hope. 

#Election2012 :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekend Update

My weekend started much like every weekend I have. Spending time with my two favorite people: My Nephew & the Boyfriend.
As promised, Justin took me on a date night to Colorado Fondue. Their food is incredible & the wine ain't too shabby either ;) 
After dinner we hosted game night with two of our favorite couples!
Scattegories is a fan favorite. The only dilemma of the night was whether you would allow Marbles as 'Items that appear in a catalog'. We all voted no, but I'm curious to see what you guys think ;)
After we were done, we got a kick out of reading the porn descriptions on the TV. My stomach was seriously hurting because I was laughing so hard. If you're in the mood for a good laugh, I highly suggest checking it out.
On Saturday, Justin helped a friend at his garage sale. They met up with me at Chick Fila after to watch lil Landyn play. 
Justin is probably Landyn's favorite person. They are the cutest thing in the world together - it melts my heart. 
We then went out to IKEA & Millenia Mall for a day of shopping and looking at things that I  will never be able to afford. 
*Insert: sighhh*
For lunch we trusted the boys to pick where we were eating. They took us to the nastiest hole in the wall ever, called Kappy's. I didn't even want be seen there, much less have lunch, but they swore by it. Much to my surprise, it was actually delicious. 
Note to self: Don't judge a book by it's cover. 
The rest of the night was spent "watching" football & playing drinking games with the same 2 couples that make my life so much brighter. We played flip cup & liquor pong - girls against boys style.
Losers had to pay for pizza. Needless to say, the girls didn't pull out their wallets ;)
On Sunday, I cleaned my car, went to the mall to do a little shopping, fell into 'Pretzel heaven'...
& went to the Sprint store 3 separate times due to their computer system being down, all to finally end up with this new beauty. I'll be shopping on Etsy trying to find the perfect case to protect my little baby. 
If you know of any good places, hook up sista up with some info ;)
We spent last night eating fried food & watching 48 hours. 
Food & mystery show = Perfect Sunday <3

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Favorites

Linking up with one of the newest residents of Sin City, The Bargain Blonde, for a little Friday Favorites :)

{favorite person}
My Nephew, Mr. Toad himself. We dressed up as Mario, Luigi & Toad for trick or treating this year :) Landyn is 2 1/2 so this is the first year where he actually had some fun with it. 
{favorite vitamin}
I'll admit that I'm the worst with consistency. I took Biotin everyday for a full 2 months and actually started seeing a difference in my hair and then just quit. A few months have passed and I'm ready to get back into it. I'm tellin' ya people, these stuff works. Not only for hair, but also your skin tone and nail strength. 

{current favorite nail polish}
I'm supporting this pretty color from Essie all week. I deemed that with the weather change and all, fall colors are entirely appropriate even if we don't see leaves changing here in Orlando. 
{favorite fondue}
The boyfriend is taking me to my favorite fondue spot tonight, Colorado Fondue. This isn't a franchise but it blows Melting Pot out of the water so I'd highly suggest it if you every visit good ole' Central Florida :)
{favorite daytime activity}
No, not just drinking. Well that too. But I was referring to TAILGATING. Tomorrow is homecoming for UCF so I'll be tailgating with some friends while hopefully drinking fireball, playing beer pong & flip cup, dancing and falling multiple times. 
Come link up with us to join in on the fun!