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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Don't forget to vote!

Today I left my house early & started patiently waiting with over 75 other people at the polls at 6:45 a.m.
All for one common goal, to exercise my right to vote. 

Sure we may not all have been voting the same.
But we were there to vote for what we believe. 

This year the race is projected to be very close. 
Remember, if you don't vote, you're practically giving a vote to the opposing party. 

Back in 2000, the President was elected by 537 votes.
Yes you read that right, 537
I bet there were at least 537 people who stayed home thinking that their vote wasn't going to make that big of a difference. 

Every vote does count. 

We are Americans who have our own voice, opinion and right to vote. 
Don't take that for granted.

Tonight I'll be in front of the television watching how the votes fall. 
Vino in hand.
On the plus side, ALL Facebook/Twitter political posts will end by tomorrow.
At least that's what I hope. 

#Election2012 :)


  1. Thank the good lord for tomorrow being the end of social media crazies.

  2. Yuhp! Same here! Daiquiris in hand waiting to see who won!
