On this long awaited hump day..
I'm loving that the USA women's gymnastic team won the gold medal for the all around. I'm seriously so happy for them, not to mention extremely proud to be an American. You girls totally rocked it! #fabfive
I'm loving that the Olympics are even on right now. It's so much fun to watch and I enjoy having something different than the usual. I love my country but boy do I start to feel terrible for the people that fought their heart out and didn't receive a medal. The look on their faces just kills me. All of their blood, sweat and tears over the past 4-years (in most cases, their entire lives) has lead up to this moment and they are going home empty handed. One thing is for sure, it's HUGE to even make it to the Olympics so they should be very proud of themselves.
I'm loving that my boyfriend and I had a fun day at the pool together last Sunday. We hardly ever get days together where we have nothing to do so we cherished it.
I'm loving that the rest of my weekend was pretty great as well. I got to spend some time with some great friends by going on a pub crawl downtown. It was a golf theme and you had to drink certain things at each bar and keep score. We had a great time.
The only downfall was that Justin was starving when we left so we went on the hunt for a 2 o'clock food fix. We ended up at a local pizza place where I swore I would only have one slice, but we got the whole pie anyway. There were only 2 pieces left when we finished and I may have eaten more than him. Oops! Justin had to order desert, standard!
I'm loving that on Saturday I got to go out with some of my closest friends from back when I lived in Tallahassee. We all went out for my friend David's birthday and I had an absolute blast. I truly do love them so much and it was so much fun to reconnect.
My weekend was filled with old and new friends and plenty of time with my little man. I just don't think it gets any better than that!
I'm loving that I got a killer deal on my books for this upcoming semester. I needed 4 books and they were totaling $550 on the UCF website, but with Half.com and a few different book renters, I got them all for $56. Just call me the bargain book finder :) 20 days until grad school starts.. AHH!
I'm loving wallpaper on the back wall of a book case to add a little character to it. I have a old book case that looks plain and I think this is a perfect quick solution.
What are you loving today? Join us over at Jamie's blog and let us know!
Yum that pizza looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteI love the look of those shelves! I have a white book shelf and am now inspired to make a backsplash for them!
Happy Wednesday :)
I'm absolutely loving the Olympics right now too! Those girls did such a great job! And that pizza looks amazing. I love pizza night, when it happens, which around here is basically never.