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Monday, February 4, 2013


I've been a busy bee the last week.
which would explain my bloggy break.

Let's do a quick catch up. Shall we?

We celebrated my Nephew's 3rd birthday last weekend. I can't believe how much time has passed,
yet I can't remember what my life was like without him. 
After the birthday party, I headed downtown to spend Australian day with one of my co-workers who recently moved here from Australia. Let's just say things got cray. I spent Sunday recovering and going to Kobe for my boyfriend's Dad's b-day.
In the past week, I've had a Bingo night and a trivia night with these ladies.
We didn't win either night. Boo.
I've been spending a ton of time with work friends. Having entirely way too much fun.
My liver certainly needs a break from this crew.
Only had time for one date night with the boy. Oh hey, Cheesecake Factory Chicken Bellagio. 
If you haven't tried it, do it. It's simply amazing.

Went to lunch with some work ladies on Friday. Once 4:00 hit we all gathered downtown for some Happy Hour before hitting up the Solar Bears game for our quarterly team building event. Part of the halftime show was little kids playing and it was beyond adorable. I also got some sugar from the mascot, Shades.
Saturday we had a charity event for Mason. You might remember his story from here.
This was the 2nd annual golf tournament and it was just as successful as the first.
My Superbowl Sunday was probably similar to yours. 
Drinking, eating, singing to Beyonce, watching the commercials, talking to the girls 
and spending a tiny bit of time watching the game.
& now we're all caught up. 
Let's hope I don't go MIA for an entire week again anytime soon.

This was more of a week update but it works, right? ;)


  1. I feel like I was there on Australian day, wasn't I?

  2. you are such a beauty! and your nephew is so cute

    following for sure <3

    The DayLee Journal
