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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday with Jamie. Come join us :)

I'm loving that my new blog layout is almost complete. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys think :)

I'm loving that I brought a yoo-hoo to work, again! It's the little things :)

I'm loving that Easter is only a little over a week away. I'm stoked to see little Landyn look for Easter eggs.

I'm loving these two dresses from Tobi. If you haven't been to their website yet, I highly suggest it. They have the cutest styles for every different occasion and every different price range. Under $25 or over $200! Talk about variety.

I thought these were perfect for Easter weekend! 
BONUS: The top one is $32 and the bottom one is only $25. SCORE!

I'm loving that the time has come for my annual review at work. We had to rate our selves and submit a document about our successes, skills, goals, things that we feel we could improve on and much more. We then have to sit down with our department head and have them go over the review with us while they rate us. Talk about nerve-wrecking! My hope is that this will be the time when I get full-time. I hate saying that out loud because I will be crushed if I don't, but right now my hopes are high.  Cross your fingers for me - I'll know by 1:30PM. 

I'm loving that I've had a lot of girl time in the past few days. Nothing beats good girl talk with alcohol! My weekend update is coming shortly after this post. Sorry, I've been slackin'.

I'm loving that Kate's bachelorette party is only 6-weeks away -- an all girls trip is exactly what I need/want right now!

I'm loving this quote.

Happy Hump Day! :)


  1. I love those dresses (and the shoes on the second dress) :) You'd look AMAZING in the pink one!

  2. That second dress is so cute! Need it!!

  3. I'm loving that quote! You always have to believe that you can do anything:)

  4. Stopping by from WILW! Love that quote :)

  5. those dresses are super cute!!
    Have a great Wednesday :)

  6. Omg I'm DYING for that second dress!!!! Cutest thing ever and you seriously cannot beat $25!!! And I still need an Easter dress! Perfect excuse, right???

    I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday!

  7. I just love that second dress!! So perfect for Soring and Easter!! And what a perfect quote!!

    Hope your review goes extremely well! :)
