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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Help Find Us!

Help find these beautiful missing children!
1.) Isabel Celis
This beautiful 6-year old little girl vanished during the night from her Tuscon, Arizona home nearly 2-weeks ago. Isabel was reported missing at 8 a.m at on April 21st when her father went to check on her in the morning and noticed she was gone. Police say that the parents are cooperating with Police and are currently not suspects. However, police have urged them to continue speaking out to keep the case in the public eye, but they have failed to due so. Cadaver dogs hit on a location inside the home that was "important" and have obtained search warrants for nearby homes. Unfortunately, there are currently no suspects in the case. This past Saturday the search was expanded to Mexico. Investigators say that is is very realistic that someone crossed the border, snatched Isabel  and returned to Mexico. 
2.) Kelli Bordeaux
A Fort bragg soldier has been missing for 2-weeks now and investigators still have no suspects in the case. Kelli was last seen at Froggy Bottoms Bar in Fayeteville, NC around 1:00 am on April 14, 2012. Unfortunately, Kelli wasn't reported missing until the following Monday after she failed to show up for duty. Kelli is married, however, her husband was in Florida visiting family at the time of her disappearance. Nicholas Herbert, a 25-year old bartender at Froggy Bottoms who failed to register as a sex offender, was the last to see Kelli alive after dropping her off at her apartment complex that night. There was a text message sent from her phone later that night saying she was home safe. 
The photo below is a photo of Kelli that she took before she went out that evening. So she could very well be still in this clothing.
3.) Madeline Mccain
Perhaps one the most well known missing persons case in the world, little Madeline was only 3 when she vanished from her hotel room in Portugal back on May 3, 2007. This coming Thursday marks 5-years since her disappearance. Madeline's parents were dining approximately 100 feet away while their children slept in their hotel room. There have been many reported sitings of Madeline, however, none have turned into anything more promising. A few days ago police released a photo of what Madeline could look like today. 
One of the most heartbreaking things about these cases is that someone knows something. Even if you don't think what you saw could be of importance, you never know until that information is in the hands of someone that may know how to connect the dots. If you have any information on any of these missing people, please call crimeline at 1-800-423-TIPS!


  1. It's so cool that they can predict what people would look like! I hope all three of these are found (alive).

  2. ugh so sad! i have seen a lot about Madeline and I hope she is (like the others) alive and well!
