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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm Loving Wednesday with Jamie

I'm loving that my nephew is spending the night with me tonight. 

I'm loving that it's Wednesday. Only two more days of waking up early until the weekend. It's odd, I still find myself waking up just as early on the weekends, but something about it not being forced wakes me up more.

I'm loving this picture I found that could have easily been made by me :)
I'm loving that this weekend is Cinco de Mayo. To be honest, I want to do nothing but sleep but I'm sure the next 72-hours will change my mind.

I'm loving Fifty Shades of Grey. I said it in one of my last posts and I'll say it again - this book is incredible. I finally got some time to read last night after getting home at almost midnight. So happy to say that I finished the first book and I'm dying to start the second. Granted, I had to stay up to 2 in the morning, but it was well worth the lack of sleep. Way to leave me hangin', EJ James.

I'm loving that I'm Jessica Simpson has finally given birth. I'm not loving the name though, Maxwell Drew Johnson. Did I mention it was a little girl? What's up with celebs always wanted to have something ridiculously different? Not a fan. While we're at it, I would have preferred the last name to be Lachey ;)

I'm loving that we went to a new place for dinner last night. Truth be told, the most frustrating thing about everyday is agreeing where/what we will eat. When a new place opens, I know that will be one less day of decision making. The bonus was the the food was good and my wine came in this nifty little bottle - plus, it was TWO glasses :)
Happy Hump Day! What are you loving this Wednesday?


  1. Lol the Channing Tatum - too funny!

  2. Love that Channing Tatum joke - I'd be alright with that ;)

    I'm loving the Fifty Shades books right now too, along with the rest of the women in America it seems! We are all loving Christian Grey.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessing over 50 Shades of Grey. I'm on the 2nd book now and I might've read at every stop light on my way to and from work today. EEKKK....I have a problem. I cannot put it down.

    And I love that CHanning Tatum picture....somebody plase hold him against me.
    Happy Wednesday!
