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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl Recipes

Today will be one of the most talked about Superbowl games in history. That is because it is the long awaited rematch of the Giants and the Patriots.

Some of you might remember the Patriots having a perfect season until they lost the Superbowl. It was a sad day for me.

Now they have the ultimate rematch.

So, in honor of the Superbowl, I thought I would put together some neat ideas for you to make your food Superbowl inspired :)

& if you are really creative and have a TON of time of your hands, you can attempt these extremely detailed stadiums :)

Now that takes some skill. 

Whatever team you will be rooting for come game time, these foods are sure to make your party one to remember.

& last but not least, Go Patriots! :)