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Saturday, February 25, 2012

While I'm Away..

Judging by my itinerary, it seems that I'm currently in Nassau right about now, but I arranged for a few posts while I was away :)

By now, I've probably gambled my life away, eaten more than my stomach can fit, had one too many vodka H2o's and gotten much use out of these gorgeous pools!

Without a doubt in my mind, cruises are my favorite way to travel.

I hope you guys stopped by Keep Calm & Marry On yesterday to visit me, as well as enjoyed Kate's visit on my blog :)

Since I missed What I'm Loving Wednesday this past week, I decided to just tell you guys what I found that I'm loving

 Before I get another MK gold watch, I desperately need a silver one, but that doesn't mean I can't think that this watch is too cute for words. Love the chain band.

I so badly want to do this to my hair. I guess I'll have to watch a million tutorials and still only get it to look half as good as this. Why can't I be a master at all things hair & makeup?

I just saw this and thought it was AMAZING. Like talk about living in a dream. 

This bedroom feels like it brings peace & tranquility. A feeling that I think is very important in bedroom digs.

That is all. Looking forward to sharing my cruise adventures with you when I return :)


  1. Those balcony's with pools are absolutely amazing! Talk about pure bliss. I'm so jealous that you are sunning it up in the Bahamas right now. I desperately need some beach weather...ASAP. I love the waterfall sister did it on my hair last weekend. It was amazing! I couldn't do it myself though.

    I am dying for a MK watch. I actually tried some on yesterday while I was shopping. SWOON!

    Happy vacation!

  2. Have so much fun! Jealous of your vaca, could use one right about now! haha
