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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

It's time for What I'm Loving Wednesday with Jamie- yay!

I'm loving that today I get my tax return back!!! :)

I'm loving that it's Dancercise day at the office. I'm excited for anther full cardio workout while getting my groove on ;)

I'm loving that MyFitnessPal says that if I continue eating the way I have been, I'll be the size I want in approximately 5-6 weeks. That makes me very happy. Plus, I just stepped on the scale and after only a week of eating healthy, and a few workouts, I've lost 3 pounds- go me!

I'm loving this weeks nail color. It's been overcast & gloomy the past few days so I thought I'd spice it up with a pretty spring color. 

I'm loving that I got to spend so much time with my boyfriend this last weekend. We watched 3 movies in 3 different nights. It was just what I wanted/needed.

I'm loving these beautiful outfits. I wonder when I'm going to have the time money to start collecting all the pieces that are on my Pinterest boards, particularly My Closet Wishlist.

That will be a very happy day for this girl :)

For all my reality TV junkies

I'm loving that I got to watch the RHOBH Reunion part 2 last night. I thought Kyle and Adrienne were unusually hateful. There is clearly a lot going on behind the scenes that we don't get to see. I can't believe there will be a 3rd episode for a reunion, although I'm not complaining!

I'm not loving that Kail cheated on Jordan in last night's episode on Teen Mom. I don't think Jordan is the right one for her, but I also don't think Joe is either. I'm pretty surprised how the Corey & Leah divorce drama went down. Now she is engaged to Robbie and it's been less than a year since they split up! Not cool Leah, not cool.

The Challenge- Battle of the Ex's is tonight- yayy! I want CT & Diem to win, for obvious reasons. He is gorgeous & I think she is the sweetest. 

I'm loving that the week that I have been waiting for is coming. The Vow comes out on Friday. The boif  is joining me. I hope he doesn't mind me drooling over Channing the entire movie.  I'm sure he'll be doing the same with Rachel McAdams, so we're even.

I'm loving that in honor of this movie, our monthly calendar that all the girls get is this picture:
How dreamy is he?

I'm loving that Breaking Dawn Part 1 comes out on Saturday. What a great week of movies!

I'm loving that Nick & Jess are playing throughout the office right now. I still believe, too. Make it happen and I'll die happy.

Out of all the superbowl commercials, I'm LOVING the M&M's commercial


  1. Oh my gosh, the M&M commercial was my fave! Hilarious!

    And I too long for the day when I can get all the clothes on my Pinterest board, here's to hoping!

  2. Pretty nails! What color is that?

    And the M&M's commercial was BY FAR my favorite of the Superbowl commercials, too! Hilarious!

    Just found your adorable blog through the WILW link-up, I'm your newest follower!

    Have a great day!

    -Jessica @
